Learn Welsh with the House Nameplate Company

When you're out and about in Wales, especially in the far North, you may find that you need to use a few key Welsh words and phrases to help you out a bit. You don't want to be walking around with a dictionary in your pocket either, so learning a few helpful phrases will be beneficial to you before you head out into the wild wild Welsh.

Even if you've decided you just want to learn Welsh, perhaps because you've moved over here to live and think it might be useful, our handy guide will be perfect for you.

For your convenience, we've added the Welsh word and its proper spelling (yes I know), the English translation and of course the phonetic pronunciation to help get your head around it.

Some are more simple than others, give it a go it's not as bad as it looks.

The phrases

Hello - Helo - Hello

Goodbye - Hwyl fawr - who ill fower

Good morning - Bore da - Boh reh dah

Good evening - Noswaith da - Noss why th dah

How are you? - S'mae? - S'my

Great thank you - Iawn diolch - Yown dee olck

What's your name? - beth ydy dy enw di? - beth uh dee duh enoo dee

Please - Os gwelwch yn dda - oss goo el wck un th ah

Thank you - Diolch - dee olck

You're welcome - Croeso - Croy so

Excuse me - Esgusodwch fi - Es gis odd ooch fee

I'm sorry - Mae'n ddrwg gen i - Mine ddroog gen ee

I don't understand - Dwi ddim yn deall - Do ee thim un day athl

I can't speak Welsh - Alla i ddim siarad Cymraeg - Athla ee thim see are add Cymraeg

Do you Speak English? - Ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg? - Udd ick keen see are add Say sneg?

Where is the toilet? - Ble mae'r toiled? - Bleh myre toilet 

These are just a few simple phrases that will be useful when you're out and about in Wales. There will be more, keep an eye out for our future posts full of Welsh phrases that will be helpful to you.